THE AUGUST VISITOR Chapter 3-the deed

Andre Gray was thinking of a good reason in mind, effective enough to convince Mr. and Mrs. Gray to allow his two mischievous friends spend the night at theirs. They walked through the bushes like emerging victors. Actually, they were victors, but with little significance. The mischievous trio had a record of breaking records. Simon … More THE AUGUST VISITOR Chapter 3-the deed

Proud King!!

I was just flipping through my old poem book and I saw this. It was written out of enthusiasm. I was graduating from high school! From King’s College, Lagos! I couldn’t contain my joy so I had to keep myself in check by writing. Enough intro, just read: A GRADUAND’S SONG Now I’m gone   … More Proud King!!


​ Can a sick child ask for ice cream from a good father and it would be given to him? Never! A sinner asking God favours is that sick child asking his father for icecream. A father’s love would make him know that the icecream would do more harm than giod at that time. First … More THINK BLESSINGS